The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles found inside the pelvis that form a floor in the body. They surround the urethra, vagina and rectum and should, along with the sphincter muscles, maintain control over these openings.

The muscles should also support the urethra, bladder and womb and withstand all increases in abdominal pressure that occur during physical exercise.

If the pelvic floor muscles are weak the urethra can fall during exertion, resulting in leaking.

In order to find your pelvic floor muscles try interrupting the flow when you urinate. Feel which muscles you are using to do this. These are the same muscles you use when trying to hold back wind. These are the muscles you need to work on.

Next we'll talk about how you actually do Pelvic Floor Exercises.

If you want to read more in the meanwhile then visit the Pelvic Floor Exercises section on our website.