Although the main treatments for incontinence are pelvic floor exercises (to treat Stress Incontinence) or medication to treat Urge Incontinence, it is also worth considering your diet as well to see if this might also be a factor (although it is unlikely to be the main cause, more an extra irritatant).

Acidic foods can have an effect, Below is a list of some acidic foods that may act as to the Urinary Tract. The best way to see if these are having an effect is to remove these foods from your diet for a period of about ten days to see if your condition improves. You can identify which foods effect you specifically by gradually adding them back to your diet, one by one.

Acidic foods that may cause additional irritation to the urinary tract include: All alcoholic beverages, Apples and apple juice, Cantaloupes, Chilies or other spicy foods, Citrus, Coffee (including decaffeinated), Chocolate, Cranberries, Grapes, Guava, Peaches, Pineapple, Plums, Strawberries, Tea, Tomatoes, Vinegar

On the other low acidic foods that you can enjoy include apricots, papaya, pears and watermelon. You can also substitute non citrus herbal teas for your tea.