In a recent Woman’s Hour article on Radio 4, the topic of urinary tract infections (UTIs) was discussed with healthcare professionals. It was highlighted that it is not a topic that is discussed openly with many women and in fact there can be a large degree of embarrassment surrounding the subject. Listen to the full article.

Here at Allanda we recognize that UTIs may not be something that you feel comfortable discussing and we stock a great product that detects UTIs: the TENA U-test. By sparing individuals the cumbersome routine of urine collection, comfort and dignity are improved whilst also significantly reducing the workload for carers.

TENA U-test is a unique product for detecting urinary tract infections. Taking 15 minutes to validate results, TENA U-test works by detecting the presence of nitrates and/or leucocytes in urine. Results are valid for up to 24 hours and facilitate no interruption to individual incontinence pad changing routines.

For full details of how to use and purchase the TENA U-test, please click here.