A recent study, commissioned by the Carers trust has revealed that more than 50% of carers looking after those with dementia have not been given relevant information about incontinence as well as other issues such as correct management or medicines or legal issues.

The study also showed that more than half of these  carers had problems obtaining a diagnosis for the person for whom they cared, and  and nearly 70%  had not received training or information about how to deal with the agitated behaviours that can develop in the latter stages of the condition.AdTech Ad

Other key findings included:

-Over half (52%) of carers in the survey reported difficulties in obtaining a diagnosis for dementia for the person they cared for

-More than half of carers (55%) questioned said that they had not been given information on legal issues and managing money. Many had learned about Lasting Power of Attorney too late

-Many carers, particularly those caring for someone in the later stages of the illness, felt ill equipped to deal with more agitated behaviours that might develop.

-More than two-thirds 68% surveyed said they had not received training or advice on this issue

-82% of carers questioned said that caring had adversely affected their ability to work

One person surveyed said she found it very difficult to deal with her husband’s double incontinence and felt un-suppoted by local policy as she was not to provided incontinence pants and wasn't never given information about support options.

Thea Stein, chief executive of the Carers Trust, has said that it was clear that all professionals needed a checklist of all the information and advice carers needed. This should be reviewed regularly with carers at key points of the person with dementia's illness.

The report highlighted 7 key points when carers most needed information and support:

-When dementia is diagnosed

-When the capacity of the person with dementia declines

-When the carer needs emotional support and/or a break from caring

-When the person with dementia loses their mobility

-When the carer has to cope with behaviour problems

-When the carer’s own circumstances change

-When the person with dementia becomes incontinent


The full report can be read online here.