New Environmentally friendly Incontinence Pads

New Environmentally friendly Incontinence Pads

Millions of Americans suffer from some form of incontinence, and the number of people affected is only expected to grow in the coming years. While there are many products on the market to help people manage their incontinence, most of these products are not eco-friendly. However, there are now a few companies that are making disposable incontinence pads out of biodegradable materials that are gentle on the environment.

The Problem with Traditional Incontinence Pads

Most disposable incontinence pads are made out of plastic, which takes centuries to decompose. In addition, traditional incontinence pads often contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin. These chemicals can also leach into the ground and contaminate water supplies.

The Benefits of New Environmentally Friendly Incontinence Pads

The new generation of eco-friendly incontinence pads is made out of biodegradable materials, such as bamboo and cornstarch. These materials break down much more quickly than plastic, so they don't linger in landfills for decades. In addition, eco-friendly incontinence pads often contain natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin.

If you or someone you know suffers from incontinence, it's important to choose products that will be gentle on both the person and the environment. Traditional incontinence pads can take centuries to decompose and often contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin. However, there are now a few companies that are making disposable incontinence pads out of biodegradable materials that are gentle on both the person and the planet.