How to Prevent Incontinence Associated Dermatitis

How to Prevent Incontinence Associated Dermatitis

Incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) is a condition that can occur when the skin is exposed to urine and feces. IAD can cause redness, itching, and pain. If left untreated, IAD can lead to breakdown of the skin and open sores. Anyone can develop IAD, but it is most common in people who have incontinence. There are several things that you can do to prevent IAD.

Wash the Affected Area Several Times a Day

It is important to wash the area that is affected by IAD several times a day. Use a mild soap and cool water. Be sure to rinse all of the soap off of your skin. Pat the area dry with a soft towel. Do not rub the affected area dry.

Apply a Moisturizer After Washing

After you havewashed the affected area, apply a moisturizer. A good moisturizer will help to prevent your skin from drying out. Look for a moisturizer that contains ingredients such as petroleum jelly, glycerin, or dimethicone. Avoid using lotions that contain alcohol or fragrances. These ingredients can dry out your skin and make IAD worse.

Protect Your Skin From Irritants

There are many things that can irritate your skin and make IAD worse. Some of these irritants include: soaps, detergents, perfumes, scented products, harsh chemicals, and wetness. It is important to avoid these irritants as much as possible. If you cannot avoid them completely, be sure to wash the affected area as soon as possible after exposure to an irritant.

If you have incontinence, it is important to take steps to prevent IAD. Wash the affected area several times a day with a mild soap and cool water. Apply a moisturizer after washing. Protect your skin from irritants by avoiding things such as soaps, detergents, perfumes, and scented products. If you cannot avoid exposure to an irritant, be sure to wash the affected area as soon as possible after exposure.