We are always disappointed that Incontinence and how to manage the condition gets little coverage in the press considering how common the condition is so we were pleased to find a good article at Wales Online containing a good overview of types and causes and what to do. The full column is repeated below.

Q. I’ve started needing to use the toilet a lot more often in recent months and had a few embarrassing near-misses when I was out and about. It’s got to the point where I’m almost afraid to go out of the house in case I have an accident. What might be causing this?

A. Incontinence is very distressing and an estimated 3.5 million people in the UK have a bladder control problem, with half of these being aged 65 or over. However, the main thing to bear in mind is that you don’t need to struggle with this issue on your own – professional help is available.

There are different types of incontinence. The most common types are stress incontinence, urge incontinence and overflow incontinence.

Stress incontinence is leakage when you cough, sneeze, laugh or exercise (which for some people may include gentle exercise like walking). Stress incontinence is most usual in women and is caused by a weak bladder and pelvic floor muscles.

Urge incontinence is indicated by a sudden urgent need to pass urine, but not being able to reach the toilet in time. You may also need to pass urine more often than is usual and you may be woken several times at night.

Urge incontinence can often be caused by an overactive bladder and many people find that as they get older, their bladder becomes more unpredictable, gives less warning and needs emptying more often.

This is normal, until it becomes a problem or starts to cause incontinence. Overflow incontinence happens when the bladder does not empty properly. Urine builds up and it may overflow – often as frequent dribbling leakage. If you have overflow incontinence you may have difficulty starting to pass urine and feel that your bladder does not empty completely.

Whatever the type of incontinence, you can contact your GP or family doctor. They may examine you and carry out some treatments, referring you to a specialist if required. Alternatively, you can also refer yourself to an NHS continence clinic for assessment and advice about treatment from a specialist nurse, called a continence advisor. A hospital specialist such as a urologist, gynaecologist or geriatrician may carry out bladder tests and specialist treatments.