Those who deal with sudden losses of bladder control usually have more than a challenging time attempting to sleep at night due to the number of trips to the toilet at night. Losing control of one’s bladder often impinges on other areas of life; particularly public recreation sufferers become less comfortable in social situations with time and commonly recourse from society because of they feel a sense of shame because of their condition.

If you suspect yourself that you’re encountering lapses in bladder control, there are certain means you can take in order to treat it. Ordinarily, loss of bladder control is continually triggered by multiple internal factors which may be pushed out of your lifestyle, with relative ease. The solution for shaky bladder control usually requires certain lifestyle changes. Here’s a couple of straightforward tips to help curb the problem.

Steer clear of excess coffee, carbonated liquid (like soda) and alcohol consumption. Caffeine addicts who experience positive symptoms of urinary incontinence should cut down their coffee habits significant since it will exacerbate the condition without fail. And - if possible - avoid drinking coffee altogether because it’s the caffeine which acts as a diuretic that worsens the condition - carbonated beverages and alcoholic drinks can similarly cause a diuretic effect. Add to that, the proven link between coffee and bladder muscle contractions which can, additionally, augment how frequently one urinates.

That said we wouldn’t recommend decreasing your overall water intake. It’s often assumed – quite mistakenly – that decreasing the amount of water you drink invariably prevents loss of bladder control. Inversely, that drinking loads of water encourages incontinence. This is simply a myth. The consumption of water is important for maintaining a healthy body - period. Not drinking water leads to being dehydrated – or on the brink of dehydration – and you should therefore not decrease your water intake ever. We’d recommend drinking a minimum of eight small-to-medium glasses of water every day. This is more a general health tip, if anything. It just happens to be extremely relevant to the issue of taking control of your bladder.